IFSP Seeks Views of Fans on the Future of Irish Football

Following on from the 2021 FAI AGM, at which a draft strategic plan for the years 2022-2025 was presented, the FAI are now engaging in a process of consultation with stakeholders.

The Irish Supporters Network, along with our colleagues in the Irish Football Supporters Partnership (IFSP), are seeking the views of Irish football fans on the direction of football in the country. These views will form the basis of the IFSP’s written submission to the FAI on the strategic plan, which is due to be finalised by the end of the year.

We have prepared some questions to help fans and supporters to send their feedback to the IFSP, and they can be accessed here by means of a Google Form. For any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us: info@irishsupportersnetwork.ie